21.1 General Policy
It is the policy of the State of Iowa and the Board of Regents that The University of Iowa and other Regent institutions shall not compete with private enterprise. "Private enterprise" includes the manufacturing, processing, sale, offering for sale, rental, leasing, delivery, dispensing, distribution, or advertising of goods and services. Certain activities which assist in the education, research, extension, or service missions of the institutions are permitted by statute. These include on-campus activities such as the operation of residence halls and radio and television stations, providing student transportation, sponsoring or providing facilities for athletic and cultural events, and providing services to patients and visitors at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. In compliance with Iowa Code and the Board of Regents Policy Manual, the University has on file in the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations a written protocol for:
- reviewing proposed activities involving the sale of goods, provision of services, or usage of facilities to ensure that The University of Iowa's activities are consistent with Board of Regents policies;
- receiving, reviewing, and responding to inquiries about activities carried out by the University; and
- consultation with business interests in the Iowa City community.