4.4 Credit Cards
Any unit may request authorization to become a University of Iowa credit card merchant by completing a Merchant Account application request (https://finapps.bo.uiowa.edu/MerchantAccount/). Upon approval by the University Controller and IT Security Office, Treasury Operations will assist the new credit card merchant by providing the necessary information and training required to comply with the University's credit card handling policy and payment card industry data security standards. The procedures outlined in the policy are mandatory when processing, recording, and reconciling credit card sales. Under no circumstance should a unit contact any credit card processor to obtain the ability to accept credit cards for the sales of goods and/or services.
Any unit accepting credit cards also must be in compliance with the University of Iowa cash handling policy. Noncompliance with either policy may result in the loss of privileges to process credit card payments and the revocation of credit card merchant status.
Refer to the credit card acceptance and security guidelines documents located at: