Chapter 41 – Building and Room Keys
41.1 Master Key Policy
In general, University buildings are keyed to master systems, with sub-master systems as required by the unique uses and occupancy of the building space. Master keys are available only to appropriate authorities. Mechanical rooms are keyed to maintenance master keys and custodial rooms to custodial master keys. This system is necessary to provide for security of people and property, to provide access in case of emergency and to provide routine access for maintenance workers.
Any departure from standard master keying systems requires approval of the Senior Director, Campus Safety. Requests should be forwarded through the Facilities Management—Building and Landscape Services FM@YourService portal by the collegiate dean or appropriate vice president for review and action.
41.2 Responsibility for Issuing and Controlling Keys
The academic deans and chief administrative officers of the various divisions of the University are responsible for issuing all building and room keys to members of their colleges and divisions who require access to assigned facilities. It is the responsibility of the deans and chief administrative officers to maintain records of keys issued and to retrieve keys from departing personnel. The key control responsibility may be delegated at the discretion of the deans and chief administrative officers and placed on a departmental basis. In such instances the department chairmen, heads, and directors are to assume key control responsibility for their departments.
41.3 Responsibility for Key Duplication
It is the responsibility of Security Engineering Services—Campus Safety to maintain custody and control of original keys for buildings and rooms. University keys are to be duplicated only from the originals and only by Security Engineering Services—Campus Safety .
41.4 Key Ownership
Keys are issued on a no-deposit basis and ownership of the keys vests with the University. Departing members of the faculty and staff have an obligation to return all University keys to their department heads.
41.5 Procedure for Ordering Keys
Keys are to be duplicated by Security Engineering Services—Campus Safety after receipt of a properly prepared requisition signed by the dean or department head and indicating the departmental general expense account number, name of the building, the room or rooms within the building, and the number of keys required for each room.