2.3 The University of Iowa Center for Advancement Funds
(Amended 5/5/95; 9/17)
- Transfer, or payment, of funds to the University of Iowa Center for Advancement. Payments of funds to the UI Center for Advancement from any account in the University are allowed for purposes approved by the University Controller. Payment requests to the UI Center for Advancement are reviewed, and the purpose is verified to the preapproved list by Accounting and Financial Reporting. Payment requests for greater than $10,000 or for a purpose other than those on the preapproved list must be approved by the University Controller.
- Cash advances. The University of Iowa Center for Advancement shall not issue cash advances to University employees or students except for fundraising activities.
(See also V-4.6 Prohibited Cash Advances: Local Sports Clubs; V-12 Equipment and Personal Property of the University.)