17.16 Extra Compensation for University Faculty and Staff
(President 6/19/73; 1/21/75; 2/93; 7/1/99; 9/13)
- The following procedural guideline covers all compensation to faculty and staff who are not subject to the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (see III-1.2b) in excess of base salary as set forth in the President's salary letter from sources within the University or from other state funds:
- When another state agency proposes to pay excess compensation to a faculty or staff member of the University, initial application shall be made to the head of the faculty or staff member's major functional unit for approval.
- When a faculty or staff member within one or more major functional units is seeking extra compensation from a source within another major functional unit, initial application shall be made to the heads of all such units and approval obtained.
- When a faculty or staff member within a major functional unit is seeking extra compensation from a source within the unit, initial application shall be made to the head of such unit and approval obtained.
- All requests for extra compensation are to be made in writing in advance of the work to be accomplished. Requests not specifically covered by other policies listed in III-17.16d are to be accompanied by a concise statement of justification as described in III-17.16e and forwarded for approval or disapproval to the appropriate unit head(s) identified above in subparagraphs (1), (2), or (3). Payments for extra compensation may be made upon completion of the work and upon approval by such unit head(s), unless subject to III-17.16a(5).
- The Executive Vice President and Provost and the Chief Human Resources Officer shall establish parameters for extra compensation amounts. Requests that exceed the established parameters must be approved in advance by the appropriate department, dean, or vice president, and Executive Vice President and Provost or Chief Human Resources Officer or their designees.
- P&S and House Staff: $3,000 single payment, $5,000 cumulative fiscal year;
- Faculty and Fellows: $3,000 single payment, $8,000 cumulative fiscal year.
- The guidelines of III-17.16a apply to all situations regardless of whether the work for which extra compensation is being claimed is accomplished during regular working hours, off-duty hours, leave without pay, or vacation periods.
- The major functional units are set forth in the University organizational chart (see Appendix
A-1). For purposes of this regulation the deans of each college and for the Division of Continuing Education rather than the Executive Vice President and Provost shall be considered the head of their respective units.
The Office of the President issues approvals for the Executive Vice President and Provost and vice presidents. - Due consideration shall be given to the effect of the following sections in arriving at the decision on extra compensation:
- III-17.8 Summer- and Winter-Session Salaries,
- III-17.13 Extra Compensation for Participants in University-Sponsored Short Courses and Conferences,
- III-17.17 Supplemental Activities and Extra Compensation,
- III-17.17(4) Employment on Grants and Contracts Administered by the University -- Nine- or twelve-month project,
- III-17.17(5) Extension Activities, and
- V-11.15 Purchases from University Faculty or Staff -- services of staff as outside contractors (see also III-17.15 Staff Remuneration for Materials: Gratuities).
- The statement of justification referred to in paragraph III-17.16a(4) should enable the appropriate unit head to determine why extra compensation is proper for exceptional service beyond the faculty or staff member's primary duty and regular compensation. It shall also include:
- Faculty and staff must provide assurance that the work to be performed will not interfere with performance of regular responsibilities. In the case of staff, the work to be performed will take place outside the employee's regular work hours. In the case of faculty, there is no reduced expectation regarding their contributions to the teaching, scholarship, and service mission of the University. Absent such assurance, the time spent should be charged to leave without pay or to vacation in the case of faculty and staff who earn vacation. The request for approval of extra compensation must indicate which arrangement is being made.
- The unit head authorizing the request must certify that a procedure exists to insure that the faculty or staff member deciding upon the need for the activity for which extra compensation is to be paid will not receive any such compensation.