III-9.8 Diversity in Employment Guidelines

(4/05; 3/12; 8/12; 7/1/17)

Effective July 1, 2017, this policy has been revised. For the most current version without redlining, return to III-9.

The guidelines below are followed in the filling of all positions for executive/administrative/managerial staff at pay level 6 or higher in the non-organized professional and scientific classification system and for faculty appointments with significant administrative responsibilities:

As a requisite job qualification, a statement must be included in the position announcement that candidates and/or applicants be able to demonstrate job-related experience with and/or commitment to diversity in the work/academic environment.

Examples of language that may be used in advertisements to satisfy this requirement are listed on the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity's website at https://diversity.uiowa.edu/creating-requisitionrecruitment-plan.

For further information, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 202 Jessup Hall, or see https://diversity.uiowa.edu/office/equal-opportunity-and-diversity.

(See also III-9.6 Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines.)